The history of La Mère Poulard Group began over 130 years ago with the creation of the famous Auberge La Mère Poulard. Today, the history of the La Mère Poulard Group continues by integrating 25 tourist establishments at Mont Saint-Michel and employing over 110 collaborators.
Annette Poulard inaugurates her Auberge
Our story begins in 1888, the year Annette Poulard opens her inn in the heart of the medieval town of Mont Saint-Michel. Quickly recognized, Annette Poulard's immense talents earned her the honorary title of "Mother," which distinguished her exceptional cooking skills and her decisive contribution to the renown of French gastronomy.
Mont-Saint-Michel is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized for its cultural and natural significance
Considered the eighth wonder of the world since the Middle Ages, Mont-Saint-Michel attracts millions of visitors from around the globe each year.
Creation of La Mère Poulard Group
Eric Vannier, a native of the bay, acquires the Auberge La Mère Poulard. He dreams of a tourism project for Mont Saint-Michel at a time when pilgrims were becoming increasingly scarce. Eric Vannier then attracts a new, more international clientele to revitalize the Wonder and its surroundings.
Creation of La Mère Poulard Biscuit Factory
The Group diversifies its activities into the food industry. La Mère Poulard Biscuit Factory is created to develop Annette Poulard's traditional biscuit recipes. The biscuit factory starts by producing its famous shortbread cookies before expanding into the creation of biscuits, cookies, and galettes in Saint-Etienne-en-Coglès, 30 kilometers from Mont-Saint-Michel.
Mont-Saint-Michel becomes an island again
Under the leadership of Eric Vannier, long-time mayor of Mont-Saint-Michel, a major project was implemented to allow the sea and rivers to reclaim the bay, putting Mont-Saint-Michel back in the midst of the waters. A dam was built to give the full power to the Couesnon River in its role as a vast tidal flush of the bay.
"La Mère Poulard" celebrates its 130th anniversary
130 years after the opening of the Inn La Mère Poulard, numerous festivities were organized at Mont-Saint-Michel, the biscuit factory launched new product lines, and the book "Les carnets de cuisine de La Mère Poulard" was published.
A complete range of tourist services
Today, La Mère Poulard Group offers the most diverse range of tourist facilities on Mont-Saint-Michel, both in terms of the services offered and the price range. In all, the group includes 25 establishments: 6 hotels, 8 restaurants, 5 takeaways, 3 private museums and 3 souvenir shops.
To discover