
Car-sharing comes to the workplace


3 Jun, 2022

La Mère Poulard Group launches car-sharing scheme 


Discover Klaxit, the solution for your commute!


The Klaxit application is coming to your company, and your commute to work will never be the same again. When you carpool to work, you're opting for a reliable, fast, environmentally-friendly and, above all, cost-effective mode of transport. With Klaxit, you can make the most of your daily commute by sharing it with your colleagues or neighbors.


Why carpool with Klaxit?

  • Pour PLUS de bonne humeurto share good times with colleagues.
  • Pour PLUS de sérénitéto use an economical and reliable mode of transport.
  • Pour PLUS d’engagement pour la planètejoin the Klaxit community to drive responsibly and reduce CO2 emissions.


Klaxit is also : 

  • Savings on the road to work! 

Driver: receive minimum €1.5 per passenger carried + €0.10 per km (over 15km and up to 40km)

Passenger: free carpooling up to 40km per trip. 

  • a route that guarantees your safety and that of those around you. 


Klaxit adapts to your schedule and constraints:

No fellow carpoolers? Klaxit finds others on your route.
Do you know who to carpool with? Meet your colleagues in front of the vehicle and activate the application at the start of the carpool.
Your driver cancels his trip? Klaxit and Maif will take you home free of charge by Uber or cab.

So don't wait any longer, download the Klaxit application and get into the habit of carpooling on your home-work journeys.


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